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eSports  tournament Japan

Traditional schooling can sometimes use inflexible methods that may discourage children from learning and growing. Additionally, issues like bullying can have lasting effects on young people, causing social and emotional challenges. Despite parents' efforts to find alternative educational approaches, none have proven as effective as Japan's esports school model. Since its launch in April 2022, many former dropouts have enrolled and are excited to attend classes and collaborate on group projects.

Here are the key factors that have contributed to the success of Japan's esports school:

The Popularity Of eSports In Japan

Although Japan boasts advanced technology and a futuristic economy, e-sports are still in the early stages of development compared to other countries. Even though Japanese consumers tend to prefer single-player games, e-sports have gained a massive following in the country. Santaro Taguchi, the owner of Japanbets, a Japanese betting site, recognizes the potential of the growing e-sports market. In regards to the opening of the e-sports school, he commented that "the rise of e-sports in Japan has transformed the gaming landscape, creating exciting opportunities for players and enthusiasts alike. The timing of the opening of the e-sports school is perfect, as global gaming giants have turned their attention to the Japanese market, providing numerous options for students."

Japan's eSports School's Vision

Japan's eSports school is a private institution formed with government assistance by Japanese professional gamers. It was founded to increase eSports awareness and growth in Japan. However, the effort addressed the more pressing issue of rising school dropout rates. By integrating hard video game training with traditional class work, the school makes studying more engaging. It also contributes to the rising global demand for professional gamers. The first class consisted of roughly two dozen teenage dropouts with rising interest in school since classes began in April 2022.

A Routine That Works For Everyone

Professional gamers teach students competitive skills for top-tier games like Fortnite, Valorant, and League of Legends on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Students study standard courses such as math, English, and biology on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unlike traditional institutions, classes at the eSports academy begin at 10:00 a.m., and pupils are permitted to dress casually.

Before establishing the eSports school, Japan explored non-traditional methods of education, including distance learning through the metaverse. Some proactive parents have even enrolled their kids in free schools that prioritize socialization and allow students to create their own learning plans. Meanwhile, many students at the eSports school learned about it through marketing and decided to enroll. However, the school noticed that it was attracting a different demographic than anticipated and encouraged parents to consider this alternative form of education.

The eSports School Model Meets National Requirements

The curriculum of esports academies is aligned with national education standards, with classes covering topics like video game addiction and professional gaming as a career path. The classes given assist students in breaking into alternative careers such as programming and design. The eSport school is also assisting isolated adolescents in reintegrating into society through teamwork in games such as League of Legends. 

Other Advantages of Learning eSports

eSports gaming in schools piques students' interest in technology, encouraging them to seek careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM). The school also provides an atmosphere for children to learn and practice various life skills, such as:


Working in groups and playing with team members aids in the development of interpersonal skills such as communication, active listening, dispute resolution, compromise, and assertiveness. 

Social Skills

Students can learn social skills such as acceptable body language, eye contact, taking turns in dialogues, and connecting with classmates with similar interests.

Positive Self-Critique

Students are required to set goals with deadlines and evaluate their performance while keeping track of their unique strengths and weaknesses as part of the learning paradigm, hence promoting planning and strategic thinking. Learning through eSports can improve students' mental health by teaching them that winning is not always assured and that losing is part of the winning process.

Final Word

Japan's eSports school has been a huge success, receiving notes of congratulations from the country's former education minister. As a reward technique, gaming associates learning with pleasure and positive outcomes, making school more enjoyable. Like other school activities, participation in eSports enhances performance and student well-being. Children that attend eSports schools are less likely to participate in risky behaviors like drug usage. Instead, they enjoy learning and pay attention both in and out of class and are more likely to graduate.

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