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They are not so painful and usually begin and end completely suddenly. The duration of contractions does not exceed 45 seconds, they can be relieved by a warm shower. But real contractions at the proper time for them will make themselves felt with increasing frequency and strong spasms spreading from above throughout the uterus.

What to watch out for at 34 weeks of pregnancy

As it was said, by this time the baby in the womb has already been formed and prepared for birth. The most important thing is that he will be able to breathe on his own, and his main task outside of his mother's tummy will be to increase body weight and get stronger. Therefore, you should not worry too much about the possibility of premature birth. Moreover, you need to carefully monitor your condition in order to notice the harbingers of an impending event in time. So, it is important not to confuse the increased discharge at this time with the possible discharge of the plug. This symptom of incipient labor is characterized by the presence of mucus and bloody streaks in the secretions.

Nausea is a frequent companion of 34 weeks of pregnancy. It can be explained by an increase in the size of the uterus, which occupied a decent part of the abdominal cavity, respectively, exerting pressure on other organs, including the stomach. His work is difficult, and the woman feels uncomfortable.

But do not confuse irregular and mild signs of nausea with possible toxicosis. Unlike toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, late toxicosis (gestosis) is fraught with serious health risks for both mother and child. Concomitant symptoms of toxicosis in late pregnancy are edema, increased blood pressure (140/90), headaches, fainting. To complement the picture of developing gestosis can be a urine test, in which protein is found. It is impossible to ignore all these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, since there is a high risk of developing preeclampsia (violation of microcirculation in the central nervous system) and eclampsia (seizures and loss of consciousness). Among the causes of late–term toxicosis are maternal diseases (obesity, fibroids, hypertension). However, it can also be provoked by acute respiratory viral infections, chronic fatigue, frequent stress and age indicators of a woman (before 18 and after 35 years). Given the risk of death, any signs of toxicosis should alert a pregnant woman and become a good reason to visit a gynecologist. The level of blood pressure and the presence of edema on the legs and arms should be under constant monitoring. Düşünürəm ki, bir çox yaxşı insanlara sayta necə daxil olmağı başa düşməyə kömək etmək bizdən asılıdır, çünki yukle Gerçekten de, büyük miktarda para kazanabileceğiniz gerçek bir hazinedir ve şu anda kullanmamı öneriyorum
