CS2's Latest Patch Resolves Matchmaking and Performance Issues for AMD Users


Moin Khot


Oct, 07.2023

CS2's matchmaking system had been under scrutiny since its launch, with players encountering problems related to penalties for getting kicked from a match, whether intentionally or not. Previously, gamers were hit with the maximum penalty in such scenarios. However, with the latest patch, players will now receive a more equitable rating penalty, based on the final outcome of the match. This change aims to alleviate the frustration of players who were unfairly penalized, promoting a more balanced gaming environment.

Valve Finally Solves CS2 Matchmaking and Performance Issues for AMD Users

Another significant improvement introduced in this patch is the alteration of surrender votes. In the past, a surrender vote required a simple majority to pass, leaving room for individuals who intended to disrupt the game by refusing to vote in favor. The new system mandates that all surrender votes must now secure a majority of players to pass, ensuring that a single player cannot hold a match hostage, actively trying to sabotage it. This change is likely to be welcomed by the CS2 community, as it promises a fairer and more competitive gameplay experience.

AMD users had been grappling with shader compilation issues that resulted in stuttering during specific in-game actions, such as grenade throws, following driver updates. With this patch, CS2 developers claim to have completely resolved these AMD-specific issues. In addition to fixing the shader compilation problem, several performance updates have been implemented. These updates aim to tackle the irritating lag spikes and microstutters that have plagued AMD users, ultimately delivering smoother gameplay.

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The patch also includes a range of other improvements. Graphics-related problems, such as water appearing black in screenshots and video captures, have been addressed. Animation issues, such as the cancellation of the grenade throw animation when holding the inspect key, have been rectified. The patch also includes minor animation system performance optimizations. Furthermore, various bug fixes and tweaks have been made to popular maps, including Nuke, Vertigo, Anubis, and Overpass.