Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play: Delayed but Highly Anticipated for Season One


Moin Khot


Oct, 06.2023

The upcoming release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) promises an immersive gaming experience. However, one highly anticipated feature will be notably absent when the game launches on November 10: ranked play. In a recent Call of Duty: Next livestream event, Sledgehammer confirmed that MW3's ranked play would not be available at the game's release, but the developers tantalizingly hinted at its arrival during season one.

Modern Warfare 3 Ranked Play: What to Expect?

Ranked play holds a special place in the hearts of many Call of Duty players, offering a competitive environment to showcase their skills and climb the ranks. While its absence at launch may be disappointing, the prospect of its introduction is generating immense excitement among the gaming community.

Sledgehammer disclosed that the renowned Treyarch team is working on bringing ranked play to MW3, just as they did with Modern Warfare 2. This collaboration holds promise, given Treyarch's track record in delivering engaging multiplayer experiences in previous Call of Duty titles.

While an exact release date for ranked play remains elusive, Sledgehammer suggested that it would make its debut during season one, a common practice in the Call of Duty franchise. With season one set to commence in December, players can cautiously anticipate the arrival of the highly sought-after ranked play feature in January, aligning with previous release schedules.

However, MW3 enthusiasts need not fret; the launch will still be a thrilling affair. Post-launch content is slated to inject fresh excitement into the game. The introduction of a battle pass, new weapons, multiplayer maps, and updates for the Zombies mode are among the enticing offerings players can look forward to. Ranked play, though delayed, promises to be a major highlight in this lineup of post-launch content.

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For PlayStation players, the excitement is even more palpable, as the MW3 beta is set to kick off tomorrow. This early access opportunity will allow players to get a taste of the game's mechanics and features ahead of the global launch on November 10. MW3 will be available on multiple platforms, including PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam and, ensuring a wide player base.