League of Legends Patch 13.11 Brings a Plethora Of Changes To the Game


Moin Khot


May, 24.2023

In a highly anticipated update, League of Legends Patch 13.11 is set to bring a wave of excitement to the popular MOBA game. With a focus on champion adjustments and item tweaks, players can expect a refreshing experience when the patch goes live on June 1st. One of the most notable highlights of this update is the long-awaited Rell rework, promising a more dynamic playstyle for the champion.

League of Legends Patch 13.11 Brings Akali Buffs, Jinx Nerfs, Rell Rework, and More

The Rell rework takes center stage in Patch 13.11. After months of delays, the Iron Maiden will finally make her return to the Rift. Riot Games aims to enhance Rell's impact in team fights by providing her with easier ways to initiate battles. Additionally, Riot has made buffs to Rell's jungle potential, opening up new possibilities for her to excel as an engage champion in different roles.

A total of 12 champions will undergo adjustments in this update. Akali's Q ability will receive increased damage, while Azir's Q cooldown will be reduced, along with improvements to his W ability. Ivern will see changes to his Q ability, providing more flexibility in his gameplay. Kalista's auto-attacks will no longer miss when the target leaves vision, and several aspects of her kit will be rebalanced to enhance her overall performance.

Other champions receiving attention in Patch 13.11 include Rek'Sai, Renekton, Twisted Fate, Aurelion Sol, Amumu, Aphelios, Kog'Maw, and Jinx. These adjustments aim to create a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience across different roles and playstyles.

Alongside champion changes, Riot Games is also addressing item balance. Following the extensive adjustments in the previous patch, 10 items will receive further tweaks. Duskblade, Kraken Slayer, Moonstone Renewer, Navori Quickblades, and Statikk Shiv will see buffs, while Ardent Censor, Echoes of Helia, Galeforce, Youmuu's Ghostblade, and Stormrazer will undergo nerfs or adjustments. These changes aim to fine-tune the power levels and effectiveness of various item choices, particularly in the bot lane.

For avid skin collectors, Patch 13.11 brings exciting news. The DRX skin line, commemorating the reigning world champions, will finally arrive in the in-game store. Players can look forward to adding Aatrox, Akali, Ashe, Caitlyn, Kindred, and Maokai to their collections. Additionally, a Prestige variant of the DRX Aatrox skin will be available for those seeking an exclusive and prestigious look.

With its diverse array of champion adjustments, item tweaks, and the highly anticipated Rell rework, League of Legends Patch 13.11 is set to deliver an exciting and dynamic experience for players. As the update rolls out on June 1st, players around the world can prepare for an enhanced gameplay experience and dive into the new possibilities and strategies offered by the changes.

Also read: Riot Games To Overhaul Rell With The Upcoming LoL Mid-Scope Update

It is important to note that this article only covers the highlights of League of Legends Patch 13.11.