Marvel Snap's Latest Patch Brings Significant Changes to Top Cards


Moin Khot


May, 12.2023

The popular collectible card game Marvel Snap has just released a new over-the-air balance patch that has nerfed two of the best cards in the game. The update has brought a slight nerf to Enchantress and Rockslide, two of the stronger four-cost cards in all of Marvel Snap. Both of these cards are very popular in current meta decks, making the nerf significant for players.

Marvel Snap's Latest Patch Nerfs Enchantress & Rockslide and Buff To Drax and Venom

Enchantress, who possessed the skill to nullify any ongoing abilities within her vicinity, has received a decrease in her power level from six to five. Second Dinner, the developer of Marvel Snap, nerfed her after a buff in the previous patch.The developer said that they are excited by how much more she’s affecting the meta, but she has become one of the most played cards in the game. They have expressed optimism that a slight decrease to 4/5 will effectively improve her status in the future.

Second Dinner stated that Darkhawk has been among the top 10 cards with the most wins in the game since its release and has been included in several dominant decks. Interestingly, the performance of Rockslide often matches or surpasses that of Darkhawk, particularly in the popular "DinoHawk" deck. Given that Rockslide is easier to modify, they intend to make a minor adjustment to weaken this deck slightly.

While the nerfs to Enchantress and Rockslide are significant, the update also brings some buffs to other cards. The update has brought some changes to the abilities of two characters in the game - Drax the Destroyer and Venom. Drax the Destroyer now has a power of six at the start of the game, which was previously five. Moreover, if the opponent plays at his location during the same turn, Drax will now gain two power instead of three. On the other hand, Venom has received +2 power, which means he will now start at three power instead of one. This change may prove to be advantageous for players who use him in Destroy decks.

Second Dinner also announced that they will be reducing the frequency of how often certain locations will appear in the game. The locations in question are ones that players are none too fond of for how they limit plays in-game. Attilan, Krakoa, Lechuguilla, Morag, Plunder Castle, Sanctum Sanctorum, and Subterranea are some of the locations that are expected to have lower frequency of appearance.

While the nerfs to Enchantress and Rockslide may be disappointing for some players, the buffs to Drax and Venom may open up new possibilities for players. Furthermore, the reduction in the frequency of certain locations will likely be welcomed by many players. It will be interesting to see how these changes will affect the meta.

This is the 2nd to last week of our OTA trial period—check out todays changes!

🔵Cost: 4
🔶Power: 5
🔹On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +3 Power

🔵Cost: 4
🔶Power: 6
🔹On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, +2 Power


Second Dinner is actively working on to balance the game to improve the gaming experience. It will be interesting to see how fans will adapt to these changes and how the meta changes.