Refund And Cancellation

One of the biggest names in the gaming industry, Sony, last year delivered to the world their offering of a ninth generation gaming console: The PlayStation 5 (PS5). A marketing and hype effort by Sony created high expectations for this new console. Many reviews praise its performance over the Microsoft opponent: Xbox Series X. The newest iteration of the playstation is coming off an amazing year marked by sales records and also a year with some setbacks due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Sony's latest offering in the console realm promises to deliver much more for a long time. Let's take a look at what the coming years offer us in the world of PlayStation 5.


Surprises on PS5

With much hype surrounding new titles and hardware releases, Sony has an uphill battle in this ninth generation of the console wars. As of today, the PS5 has delivered on every promise that Sony made during the lead up to launch. The console features high-end performance and graphics that seem to blur the line between reality and virtual. In addition to the processing and graphics, the newest generation controller, the DualSense, brings a new level of realism to tactile gaming. The updated controller allows players to move more fluidly in-game especially for more complex actions, such as firing a bow and arrow. With a solid base of hardware accessories released to compliment the PS5, what more can we expect in the future?

What's Coming

Many more things are on the horizon to come from Sony including more hardware and software titles. Let's take a look at what may shape the future of gaming in the coming years.

New Game Releases

Horizon Zero Dawn

The main attraction of any new console is its game library. The games that are on the horizon for PS5 promise to deliver even more than ever before. God of War: Ragnarok, the next installment in the saga, has a rumored release date some time in 2022. Kratos' story of mythology driven fighting continues with the revelation of his son Atreus' name’s meaning in Jötnar. Add this to the prophecies and pictograms that describe the future of the Ghost of Sparta, and fans are going wild with theories and expectations. The critically acclaimed Horizon Zero Dawn is finally getting a sequel after 4 years of waiting. This post-apocalyptic tale of Alloy and her fight against the animalistic machines that roam her world continues. Thanks to trailers and news releases, this next entry in the franchise promises to be worth the wait.

New Accessories and Console Versions

One of the most recent trends in the latest generation of consoles is the release of newer and more efficient consoles several months after the initial release. These consoles are designed to be slimmer profiles, with bigger storage capacity, better performance, and more stylish presentation. Many fans are waiting to get their PS5s until Sony delivers on these expectations in the coming years.

New accessories to complement audio and visuals of the console are expected to arrive sooner than later. The last few years saw an emergence of augmented reality and virtual headset-based video games, so it should be no surprise to expect that Sony's newest gadgets for the PS5 come based around these concepts.

eSports Betting Software

One of the biggest bits of news out there, Sony has recently patented a platform for eSports betting on their different consoles. A kind of digital eSports book, like Dr. Apuestas, Sony's money rests on the popularization of professional gaming as a legitimate sport. A decision that has been supported and disputed by many. The regularization of eSports betting may pave the way for improving both the conditions and earning of professional players, a topic that has seen more than just a little debate in recent years.

eSports Future

eSports Future

With its processing power and upcoming releases of both new titles in old sagas and completely new sagas of multiplayer competitive gaming, PS5 could be shaping up what the new meta for competitive professional gaming may be. Future releases promise to increase player's interaction with in-game content not just through buttons, but also through their movement through physical space around them. Movement tracking and visual aids for more immersive gameplay are the future of competitive gaming according to both experts and fans. Only time will tell if the virtual battleground shall take on a more real standing in the future.

Waiting for Release

Expectations are high for this new generation of consoles, and with PS5 being the winner of the ninth generation console war up until this moment, the torch and burden of marveling gamers all around the world fall entirely on Sony's development team. Let's see what the future may bring us in a few years.
