The Xbox 360 Dashboard Has Undergone A Significant Change


Prithhis Bose


Aug, 02.2024

The updated Xbox 360 Dashboard no longer features the Xbox 360 Store. With the recent closure of the Xbox 360 Marketplace, the days of buying downloadable games on the platform are over. Users won't be able to purchase any form of content using the system itself, even though some games from the current generation of gaming will still work because of backward compatibility.

Although it wasn't the Xbox 360 that invented digital gaming, the Xbox 360 Marketplace was a landmark achievement that helped bring in a new era of gaming. Not only did full retail releases move to the Xbox 360 Store, but Xbox Live Arcade and Xbox Live Indie Games did too. The 360 store stayed open for business even after the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S were released, enabling owners of the previous system to continue playing the games they had always wanted. But it appears that Microsoft updated the 360's appearance as well, in response to the shutdown of the Xbox 360 Marketplace.

The Xbox 360 Store has vanished from the new dashboard, which was posted by Twitter user Stallion83. The revamped dashboard home page seems and feels barren, in contrast to the previous one which included tabs for Bing, home, social, movies & TV, apps, and settings. The home, social, and settings tabs are the only ones left over from the previous ones. Compared to the former entire home screen, this is a major difference. While some users have praised the new screen for feeling and looking cleaner, others have bemoaned the fact that expensive themes might alter the screen's appearance. But since the Xbox 360 store is closed, gamers could have to make do with their personal themes.

One concern among fans was the usefulness of Xbox Live. Remarkably, Stallion83 verified that digitally purchased games continue to function flawlessly and that Xbox Live continues to function flawlessly. Achievements on the Xbox 360 are still obtainable and continue to add to the Gamerscore. Xbox Series X/S users should be able to acquire Xbox 360 games that are backward compatible with games published on newer systems. This should enable some digital activity on the machine. Fans can still use the download history to download past purchases. Certain games, like King's Quest, can still be purchased even though they require compatibility packs and add-ons to function, as one user pointed out.