A Nintendo Fan Creates A Lovely Switch Stand Based On Animal Crossing Island For Their Spouse


Prithhis Bose


Jul, 08.2024

A homemade Nintendo Switch stand with an Animal Crossing theme shocked the wife of a gamer spouse who also happens to be a talented miniature painter. Fans of Animal Crossing enjoy creating things in real life that are inspired by their favourite game series, and this is a touching illustration of what is achievable.

There have been crochet dolls and Animal Crossing cookies, and there's probably an infinite number of other things that crafty fans have crafted and posted online. Fans of Animal Crossing are naturally imaginative, given that the game's premise—that of a live simulation—encourages boundless imagination and inventiveness.

The amazing, still-in-progress 3D-printed stand was shared on r/AnimalCrossing by Redditor Metalgeargello. The artwork shows a tiny island reminiscent to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, with a cute bridge and vividly coloured trees. The stand is a testament to Metalgeargello's painstaking attention to detail; in order to ensure that the stand precisely reflects Animal Crossing's whimsical design, he even went above and beyond by gathering in-game colour palettes. He discloses that, despite not being a big gamer himself, he wanted to encourage his wife's devotion of Animal Crossing and make her happy.

The invention of Metalgeargello demonstrates how 3D printing is becoming more and more common in the game industry. Gamers can design their own controllers, figurines, and even intricate accessories like the Animal Crossing stand thanks to 3D printing technology. With a little creativity and technological know-how, gamers can show off their passion for their favourite games and customise their gaming experiences with 3D printing. A lot of gamers who own 3D printers have already made many items based on their favourite games, and as technology advances and people get more talented and imaginative, the world will witness an increasing number of incredible projects related to gaming.

During the pandemic, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which was released all the way back in March 2020, swiftly gained popularity throughout the world and is still a favourite. Even though the last expansion DLC for Animal Crossing, Happy Home Paradise, was released in November 2021, almost three years ago, there doesn't seem to be much of a rush to replace the current popular title. The next Animal Crossing game is rumoured to be released in 2026, possibly as an early title for the highly anticipated Switch 2. Players of Animal Crossing: New Horizons appear content with the islands they have created so far, but it's possible that they are itching for something different as well.