A Pokemon GO Player Grinds For A Platinum Medal For Two Years


Prithhis Bose


Jul, 05.2024

After two years of hard work, a devoted Pokemon GO player shocked the community by earning a platinum medal. Pokemon GO is primarily about capturing Pokemon and going on battles, but there are other features that enhance the gameplay experience.

One of these features is the medal system in Pokemon GO, which is made up of in-game accomplishments that players may earn by hitting specific objectives. Walking distances, visiting PokeStops, catching a specific kind of Pokemon, and walking are some examples of these milestones. The four medal tiers in Pokemon GO are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. The requirements rise in order to obtain the higher tier medals. Certain Pokemon GO medals are simpler to obtain than others, but they all take effort and commitment. Recently, a Pokemon GO player showed off their new medal—which trainers find extremely difficult to obtain—to showcase both.

After obtaining 200 Best Buddies, Reddit user AbuFofana was able to obtain a platinum medal in Pokemon GO. The gamer described in the comments the procedure for obtaining the "Best Buddy" medal, stating that it often takes 50 days to obtain one. The fact that they received about 70 Best Buddies in six months, working on 20 at a time, "motivated them to keep going." The gamer claimed that they "listened to a podcast or watched a YouTube video in the background" during this process, which took roughly an hour each day.

Pokemon GO gamers complimented the original poster in the comments, expressing their admiration for their accomplishment. Obtaining the required Affection Hearts to have a Best Buddy Pokemon in Pokemon GO is a patient procedure. The player has offered a tip with other Pokemon GO trainers to lighten the grind: after feeding a friend Pokemon in the group, launch a trainer battle against Candela, Blanche, or Spark. The Pokemon GO player can return and obtain a heart as soon as the battle starts; if they do this three times in a row, they will receive three hearts.

Given that many Pokemon GO players in the comments claimed to lack patience and have given up on earning the Best Buddy medal, the original poster's achievement is astounding. Oddly enough, despite being a challenging medal to obtain, this is not an unusual instance. Certain Pokemon GO medals are thought to be almost impossible to obtain, while others are quite difficult for trainers to add to their stats.