MW3 New Season 2 Stash House Map Features Breaking Bad Easter Egg


Moin Khot


Feb, 07.2024

Season 2 of Modern Warfare 3 brings in a new map to the game — Stash House. This 6v6 multiplayer map delivers intense action and strategic gameplay, but it's true allure lies in a subtle nod to Breaking Bad. As players prepare for the highly anticipated update, excitement mounts over the discovery of this captivating Easter egg. 

As the curtains rise on MW3's season two, players are treated to a slew of captivating updates, including the introduction of four exhilarating multiplayer maps. Among these, Stash House stands out as a beacon of excitement, beckoning players to immerse themselves in its fast-paced, shipment-sized battleground. Designed to cater to the cravings of adrenaline junkies, this map offers a relentless onslaught of action that will leave you on the edge of your seat. 

But what sets Stash House apart from its counterparts is its clandestine homage to Breaking Bad. Fans of the series will undoubtedly recognize the iconic scene where Walter White, portrayed by the incomparable Bryan Cranston, hurls a pizza onto the roof of his home in a fit of frustration. This memorable moment has been ingeniously woven into the fabric of Stash House, manifesting as a tantalizing Easter egg that awaits discovery. 

The revelation of this homage sparked a frenzy among MW3 enthusiasts, with players flocking to online forums to share their findings. Reddit, a hub for gaming enthusiasts, buzzed with speculation as players pondered the significance of the pizza perched atop Stash House's roof. It wasn't long before the developers themselves weighed in, confirming the suspicions and adding fuel to the fire of anticipation. 

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As the countdown to the season two update draws to a close, excitement is increasing. With Stash House all set to make its debut alongside a wave of highly anticipated content, one thing is certain—MW3's season two promises to be an unforgettable thrill ride.