Riot Games and Prime Gaming Partnership to End Next Year


Moin Khot


Dec, 15.2023

In a surprising turn of events, Riot Games recently announced the conclusion of its partnership with Prime Gaming, a division of retail giant Amazon. This decision means that the era of monthly loot drops for all Prime Gaming members, featuring exclusive Riot titles like League of Legends and VALORANT, is coming to an end. 

Amazon Opts Out, Ending Prime Gaming Loot Drops, Confirms Riot

The confirmation of this development came from Riot Games on December 14, citing Prime Gaming's decision not to renew the promotion. The final capsule drop, eagerly awaited by many, is scheduled for March 2024.

Despite the disappointment, Riot Games assured its player base that any content already unlocked through Prime Gaming drops would remain on players' accounts. VALORANT players, in particular, have enjoyed acquiring unique in-game items like gun buddies, player cards, and sprays through these monthly drops. Meanwhile, League of Legends enthusiasts received "Prime Gaming Capsules" containing 350 RP, an epic champion skin, a ward skin, XP boosts, and other consumables.

The termination of the Riot-Prime Gaming partnership doesn't signify the permanent disappearance of VALORANT items and League capsules. Reports indicate that the initial partnership concluded at the end of 2022, with a February 16 extended deadline for players to claim the last capsule. However, negotiations between the two entities led to additional capsules and Riot drops being made available on the Prime Gaming loot page throughout 2023.

By making the current deal's expiration public, Riot Games might be leveraging the potential outcry from its dedicated community to influence Prime Gaming's reconsideration of the promotion renewal. With a few months remaining before the current deal expires, both parties have ample time to return to the negotiating table and explore possible extensions or new agreements.

Also read: Riot Games Reveals All Partnered Teams For VCT 2024 China

As the gaming community awaits further developments, Riot Games' senior vice president and VALORANT lead, Anna Donlon, stated, "We will continue to find different opportunities to reward you for all the ways you play and engage." This leaves the door open for exciting possibilities and potential collaborations beyond the current Prime Gaming partnership. Gamers worldwide will undoubtedly be keeping a close eye on the evolving landscape of Riot Games and its future engagements.