Unlock the Aether Camo for All Guns in COD Mobile Like a Pro


Moin Khot


Nov, 05.2023

Call of Duty (COD) Mobile has presented an exciting challenge for its players with the release of the Aether Crystal Camo. For many dedicated gamers, the ultimate goal is to unlock this exclusive camo for all their weapons. But how can you achieve this feat, especially if you prefer to go solo? This article unveils a method to rapidly unlock the Aether Crystal Camo for a multitude of guns in a single match, ensuring you dominate the battlefield. 

How to Unlock the Aether Camo for All Guns in COD Mobile 

Understanding the Requirements Before delving into the strategy, it's crucial to comprehend the number of kills required for different weapon types: 

● Assault rifles, submachine guns, and light machine guns: 25 kills in a single match.

● Pistols: 15 kills. 

● Shotguns: 12 kills.

 ● Marksman and sniper rifles: 8 kills. 

Choosing the Right Loadouts With the recent update in the undead siege, the game has expanded its ground loot and airdrop weapons. However, it's highly recommended to pass on the ground loot weapons like CBR4, Oden, and others, as you will likely stumble upon them during gameplay. Instead, craft a winning combo, which should include an assault rifle or submachine gun, two snipers, a marksman rifle, and, most notably, a shotgun. 

● Day 1: Kick off your mission with ground loot weapons like Fennec, CBR4, AK9, and others. A helpful tip is to maximize aether essence collection by mowing down zombies with your vehicle. Collect all materials and ammo, with a keen focus on stocking up on shotgun ammo for the challenges ahead. 

● Day 1 Night: If you've already earned camos for available ground loot weapons, delegate the regular zombie slaying to your teammates while you concentrate on taking down the special ones. Don't forget to loot everything that drops – it's all valuable. 

● Day 2: This is the optimal time to employ both sniper rifles, considering the lower kill requirement. Efficient use of aether essence ensures a seamless transition between the two snipers, maximizing your progress. 

● Day 2 Night: Concentrate on upgrading turrets and gathering more aether essence. By the end of this phase, make sure to acquire another loadout, preferably an assault rifle or submachine gun.

● Day 3: Utilize the loadout weapon you've previously selected to target zombie-dense areas for racking up those kills. By nightfall, ensure you've achieved the 25 kills needed for your two primary guns. 

● Day 4: Commence with a marksman rifle, aiming for the 8 kills required. Then, swap it out for a ground loot weapon and push your kill count to the max. 

● Day 4 Night: Focus on completing the required kills for both guns, getting you closer to your goal.

● Day 5: Head to airdrop locations for fresh weapons and strive to complete the necessary kills for whatever you pick up. When night falls on the fifth day, shift your strategy. Instead of camo grinding, your primary focus should be on survival. This is when shotguns come into play. 

The Crucial Role of Shotguns, especially in hard mode, become invaluable thanks to their exceptional damage output. They shine brightest when facing off against necromancers and heavy gunners. Try to aim for the head to incur maximum. Should you run out of shotgun ammo, you can conveniently purchase it from the vending machine. Remember, prioritizing your targets is essential.