Dota 2 Hero Pangolier Gets a Massive Nerf


Moin Khot


Oct, 06.2023

In a startling turn of events leading up to The International 12, Dota 2 enthusiasts received unexpected news. Pangolier, the swashbuckling hero who had risen to dominance in the 2023 season, has been hit hard with substantial nerfs in the recent 7.34d patch. This shift in the metagame landscape comes after months of Pangolier reigning supreme in ranked play, thanks to a series of buffs introduced in patch 7.34 and subsequent updates.

Dota 2 Hero Pangolier Nerf

Pangolier's ascension to stardom was far from accidental. His agility, coupled with a distinctive skill set and a game-changing ultimate, had firmly established him as the preferred mid-lane choice, particularly among professional players. Anticipation among the Dota 2 community, ranging from experts to casual players, had been building, with everyone looking forward to witnessing remarkable plays and strategies centered around this hero at The International 12 (TI 2023).

However, the latest patch from the game's developers has thrown a curveball at the community. Key abilities central to Pangolier's gameplay have been targeted, leading to a significant shift in his power.

One of the most notable changes is to Swashbuckle's mana cost, which now scales from 75 to 75-90 as the skill levels up. This alteration directly affects its frequent usage in both lane skirmishes and larger team fights, potentially slowing down Pangolier's in-game tempo. Moreover, the damage bonus granted by Swashbuckle's Level 20 Talent has been reduced from a hefty plus 20 to a more modest plus 15, slightly tempering his scaling potential in the later stages of the game.

Shield Crash, another core ability for Pangolier, has not escaped unscathed either. Its mana cost has been increased from 60-90 to 70-100, making it more demanding in terms of resource management. Furthermore, its damage output has been curtailed, dropping from a range of 70-280 to 60-240.

While these changes do not entirely banish Pangolier from the competitive scene, they undeniably lower his standing. Players and teams that heavily relied on his strengths will now need to recalibrate their strategies as they prepare for TI 2023.

Also read: Blacklist International Shakes Up Dota 2 Roster After TI12 Qualifier Defeat

As The International 12 approaches, all eyes will be on how teams adapt to the shifts in the latest patch. The big question remains: Will Pangolier still be a top pick? The answer will unfold in the grand arena of TI 2023, where the world's best Dota 2 players battle it out for supremacy.