Apex Legends Season 18: All Major Changes


Moin Khot


Aug, 08.2023

Apex Legends fans are gearing up for a wave of exciting updates as Season 18 approaches. Respawn Entertainment, the game's developer, has unveiled an array of changes that promise to reshape the gameplay experience. From legend reworks to weapon adjustments and even alterations to the ranked system, players have a lot to look forward to. Let's dive into the key changes that will dominate Season 18.

Legend Reworks:

One of the standout features of Season 18 is the rework of the Synthetic Nightmare, Revenant. This menacing legend is set to receive a revamped ability kit that promises to breathe new life into his playstyle. His abilities include "Assassin’s Instinct," allowing for faster crouch-walking and improved climbing, and "Shadow Pounce," which enables a charged leap in a chosen direction. "Forged Shadows," his ultimate ability, grants a shadow shield that absorbs damage and resets tactical and shield cooldowns upon downing enemies.

Balancing the Legends:

Respawn isn't holding back when it comes to rebalancing legends. Tactical adjustments to legends like Gibraltar, Loba, Pathfinder, and Wraith promise to shake up the meta. Meanwhile, ultimate abilities see cooldown changes across the board. From Bangalore's increased ultimate cooldown to Gibraltar's rare buff, these changes aim to maintain a competitive edge in matches.

Pacing the Game: 

A major focus of Season 18 is maintaining a brisk gameplay pace. Respawn has tinkered with the ring dynamics to quicken the tempo without compromising the game's competitiveness. Rings now close at different speeds and sizes, leading to faster-paced matches across all maps. Additionally, map rotations are shuffled, ushering in new terrain while refining existing ones.

Ranked System:

Season 18 brings a reworked ranked system that aims to prevent the rank inflation seen in previous seasons. Losses and gains in Ladder Points (LP) have been recalibrated, ensuring a more challenging climb up the ranks. These changes, especially for Diamond-ranked players and above, promise a more competitive environment for those seeking to prove their skills.

Weapon Rebalance:

Weapon balance sees a significant overhaul with adjustments to various armaments. The Charge Rifle, for instance, loses its hitscan feature and gains a new projectile pattern, offering a unique playstyle for players. SMGs, including the R-99, receive recoil changes that aim to redefine the dynamics of close-quarters combat. The reintroduction of Disruptor Rounds adds a fresh layer of strategy, while other hop-up changes reshape weapon selection strategies.

Also read: Apex Legends Season 18 Unleashes Revenant Reborn: A Promising Overhaul

As Apex Legends enthusiasts brace themselves for Season 18, it's evident that Respawn Entertainment is committed to delivering an exhilarating experience. With legend reworks, weapon balance adjustments, and an improved ranked system, players can anticipate a game that continues to evolve and challenge their skills. Whether you're a seasoned champion or a new recruit, Season 18's major changes are sure to keep the adrenaline pumping and the action intense.