Top 3 Long Range Guns in PUBG Mobile


Moin Khot


May, 27.2023

In the vast and treacherous battlegrounds of PUBG Mobile, long-range engagements require a different approach and a reliable arsenal. To excel in these intense battles, players need weapons that offer exceptional accuracy, range, and damage. In this article, we will explore the top three long-range guns that will give you the advantage in dominating your enemies from afar. From precise snipers to versatile rifles, these weapons will ensure you stay one step ahead of your opponents.

3. Kar98

Taking the third spot on our list is the Kar98, a bolt-action sniper rifle known for its reliability and high damage output. With a base damage of 79, a well-placed shot from the Kar98 can take down opponents with a single hit, even if they are equipped with level 2 helmets. Its slow fire rate, however, demands accuracy and precision, making it a weapon for seasoned snipers. The Kar98's versatility, common availability, and compatibility with a wide range of attachments make it a popular choice among players who prefer a classic sniper rifle.

2. AWM

Moving up the ranks is the AWM, a legendary bolt-action sniper rifle that strikes fear into the hearts of adversaries. This awe-inspiring weapon boasts unmatched base damage of 105, making it one of the most powerful guns in PUBG Mobile. Its extreme stopping power is complemented by its impressive bullet velocity, allowing players to land lethal shots with precision. The AWM's ability to penetrate level 3 helmets makes it a deadly force to be reckoned with, capable of eliminating enemies in a single well-placed shot. However, its rarity and exclusive availability through air drops make it a coveted weapon that only the luckiest or most skilled players can wield.

1. AMR:

At the top of our list stands the Lynx AMR, a fearsome semi-automatic sniper rifle that combines devastating power with remarkable versatility. With a base damage of 118, it inflicts significant damage upon impact, ensuring enemies are eliminated swiftly. The Lynx AMR's semi-automatic firing mode allows for rapid follow-up shots, granting players the ability to maintain continuous pressure on their opponents. Its excellent bullet velocity and minimal bullet drop make it an ideal choice for long-range engagements where accuracy is paramount. While the Lynx AMR may have a slightly slower rate of fire compared to some other weapons, its overall performance and adaptability set it apart as the ultimate long-range weapon in PUBG Mobile.