League of Legends Ivern Mid-Scope Update: Everything You Need to Know


Moin Khot


May, 06.2023

League of Legends players have been eagerly awaiting the latest champion updates, and Ivern's mid-scope update has finally hit the Public Beta Environment (PBE). While the changes are not as extensive as some previous updates, it has introduced some new effects to nearly all of Ivern's abilities. Most notably, the update impacts Daisy, Ivern's trusty ally, who now receives a boost to her knock-up ability.

Ivern's Mid-Scope Update Brings Improved Ability and Increased Attack Range

Although the changes to Ivern's abilities incorporate new effects into almost all of his abilities, they are relatively small as compared to the recent updates that were incorporated. Notably, Riot announced the update back in March, and fans have been eagerly anticipating Ivern's kit adjustments ever since.

A notable change in Ivern's kit is that the damage bonus he gains from sitting in the bushes created by his W will now provide a reduced benefit to his allies. Furthermore, Ivern himself will also benefit from an increased innate attack range. In addition to these, the shield he grants with his E will now last longer if it does not come into contact with any enemies when it explodes.

Probably the most notable change is made to Ivern's ultimate ability - Daisy. When initially cast, Daisy will now knock up any enemy she lands on, making her even more formidable in combat. She will also be able to land directly on any champion rooted by Ivern's Q ability. With this update, Ivern users will be able to make better use of Daisy during team fights, thereby increasing her usefulness in combat.

On the other hand, Riot has removed the gameplay feature on Ivern's passive that previously caused an ally to receive a boost when he completed a camp. In the upcoming update, this game feature will become a universal addition to all junglers.

The Ivern mid-scope update is currently available for testing on the PBE, and players can expect it to hit live servers soon. Riot has not yet announced a release date for this update. However, it is speculated that these changes will be implemented along with the Patch 13.10 which is set to release on 17th May.

Like all updates, there is a possibility that the changes made to Ivern's mid-scope update may see some changes before its release on the main version of the game. However, League of Legends players can still look forward to using the new and improved Ivern in the near future. With the added benefits of improved abilities and a more powerful Daisy, Ivern's mid-scope update promises to be a game-changer for fans of the friendly jungle champion.