God of War Ragnarok Patch 04.02 Brings Bug Fixes For Audio, Combat, and Other Issues


Moin Khot


Apr, 25.2023

Santa Monica Studio, the developers of the popular title God of War Ragnarok, recently released Patch 04.02 for the popular game. The update focuses on fixing various bugs related to audio, combat, equipment, UI/UX, world, and trophies. Furthermore, there are some PlayStation 4-specific tweaks to address multiple issues. One of the significant fixes is a workaround solution for the known issue of loading a manual save created on PlayStation 4 from an imported PlayStation 4 New Game+ save. The patch notes highlight all the bug fixes in detail.

God of War Ragnarok Patch 04.02 Changes Summary

Among the notable bug fixes are issues related to audio, where music from the final quest would play whenever loading in from the main menu or restarting checkpoint in Midgard during post-game in New Game+. Another audio-related issue that was fixed is the problem of dialogue lines being skipped after a cinematic when acquiring the Mysterious Orb quest in New Game+.

The latest update also fixes several combat-related issues. One of the fixed issues includes a rare case where Kratos could branch into weapon move-sets while in the Fury Rage mode. Another rare case where Gná could trigger her Stomp too soon after Wing Shard, causing unavoidable player death on Give Me God of War difficulty, was also addressed in the patch. Furthermore, the patch fixes the issue of Kratos' Rage Meter disappearing and not allowing the player to change which Rage they had equipped when restarting from checkpoint before the cinematic leading into the Björn boss fight.

The patch also fixes equipment-related bugs, such as the problem of Kratos' shield visually disappearing if the player upgraded the currently equipped shield to level 9.1 (or above) but did not equip the upgraded version via the prompt in God of War Ragnarok. Additionally, the patch fixes issues related to the shop, such as the base game resources not being available to buy/sell at the shop after updating to Patch 04.00. Another issue fixed is the missing recipe for Soldier's Sauroter from the shop in New Game+, preventing the player from upgrading the component.

The latest update also brings several UI/UX-related fixes. One of the fixed issues is the problem of weapon appearance not being able to be changed for a 9.1 weapon until the player upgrades to the 9.2 and above variants. Another issue fixed is the missing line within credits in God of War Ragnarok.

Finally, the patch fixes several trophy-related bugs. One of the fixed issues includes the problem of the "Spit Shine" trophy not being earned when the player upgraded a New Game+ armor piece to level 9.

⚒️ Patch Notes [v 04.02] now live!⚒️

Full list of updates here 👇https://t.co/WJwUymyj8h pic.twitter.com/0pmo2tyzaT

— Santa Monica Studio – God of War Ragnarök (@SonySantaMonica) April 24, 2023

The aforementioned changes are the summary of the patch notes released by Santa Monica Studio. Players can click here to read detailed patch notes on the official website.