Valve Releases Dota 2 Version 7.33 Patch Notes In a Unique Way


Moin Khot


Apr, 20.2023

Valve has finally released the much-awaited Dota 2 Version 7.33 patch notes through a blog post on the Steam page of Dota 2. Interestingly enough, the patch notes are not released in a conventional way,  but in quite a unique way. Instead of releasing the patch notes outright, the developers decided to add an interesting twist. They released a series of riddles that give hints about the upcoming changes, which has sparked excitement and speculation among the game's community.

Valve Hints At Dota 2 Version 7.33 With Riddles

Fans have been eagerly anticipating this update for months, as Valve previously promised that it would make a drastic change to the gameplay meta for the first time in six months. One of the clues revealed the release date of the patch, stating that the update will launch on a date that rhymes with “Smaypril Twemmieth” and falls between 19th and 21st April . The other clues were more obscure and ambiguous, but dedicated players were able to decipher most of them, revealing some of the major changes that players can expect.

One of the riddles hinted that players will be able to control the Kobold that they dig up using the Trusty Shovel. Another hint suggests that developers are working on a new item for the game's endgame. Furthermore,  another clue suggests modifications to the outposts will be made that will allow teleportation between players. It's important to note that these hints were uncovered by the gaming community and may not be entirely accurate.

Meta, which means the current tactics and strategies that players use in the game, will most likely have significant changes with the latest update. Dota 2 is renowned for its complex and constantly shifting meta, which requires players to constantly adapt and come up with new strategies to triumph in the game.

With the latest Patch 7.33, players can expect fresh gameplay mechanics, heroes, and items that will certainly disrupt the current meta of the game. Furthermore, fans have been eagerly waiting for this update, with some speculating the addition of a new hero, while others are expecting major changes to the game's economy and itemization system. Notably, Valve has a history of considering players’ feedback and making adjustments to the game accordingly. As a result, fans can rest assured that the developers have been working hard to address any issues that players have raised.