League of Legends 13.8 Brings Changes To Ezreal, Kha’Zix, Jarvan, and More


Moin Khot


Apr, 19.2023

Riot Games’ popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) title League of Legends is one of the most popular games across the globe. The developer is well-known for making regular tweaks and pushing required updates to maintain the game’s balance and provide players with a refreshing gaming experience. With the latest patch - League of Legends 13.8, Riot Games has introduced multiple changes to the game, including a few buffs and nerfs to Champions, changes to Cosmic Drive, and a bunch of bug fixes. In this article, we will look at what Riot Games has in store for League of Legends fans. 

League of Legends 13.8 Champion Changes

The latest blog post on Riot Games’ official website suggests that the League of Legends 13.8 patch will bring in a variety of changes to a few champions and their abilities. Here are the most notable changes to all the Champions:

Aurelion Sol will see a slight decrease in his health growth from 95 to 90 and a reduction in armor growth from 4.3 to 4. 

Ezreal’s base attack damage will be increased from 60 to 62.

Garen will receive an increase in base attack damage from 66 to 69, as well as an increase in base armor from 36 to 38.

Janna’s W-ability Zephyr will now deal increased magic damage of 80/110/140/170/200 (+60% AP), up from 70/100/130/160/190 (+50% AP), while her E-ability Eye of the Storm will have a longer shield decay timer of 2.5 seconds, up from 1.25 seconds.

Jarvan will receive a nerf in the form of a reduction in attack damage growth from 3.4 to 3. In addition, his Q-Dragon Strike will deal less physical damage, dropping from 90/130/170/210/250 (+140% bonus AD) to 80/120/160/200/240 (+140% bonus AD).
Kayn’s Shadow Step will be slightly less effective, with the bonus move speed for Shadow Assassin dropping from 80% to 70%. The cooldown for Shadow Assassin will also increase from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.

Kha’Zix will receive a welcome buff to his Q-ability Taste Their Fear, which will deal more physical damage, increasing from 60/85/110/135/160 (+115% bonus AD) to 70/95/120/145/170 (+ 115% bonus AD).

Kog’Maw will have his passive, Icathian Surprise, buffed, with the addition of the new Run Kog, Run! skill. This will make him Ghosted while in his passive form, and he will also deal more true damage, increasing from 125-550 (based on level) to 140-650 (based on level). His Q-ability Caustic Spittle will have a reduced cooldown of 7 seconds, down from 8 seconds, while his E-ability Void Ooze will have a lower mana cost of 40/55/70/85/100, down from 60/70/80/90/100. Additionally, the slow will be increased from 20/28/36/44/52% to 30/35/40/45/50%.

Leona’s W-ability Eclipse will have a boost in bonus armor from 15/20/25/30/35 (+20% bonus armor) to 20/25/30/35/40 (+20% bonus armor) while also increasing the bonus magic resistance from 15/20/25/30/35 (+20% bonus magic resistance) to 20/25/30/35/40 (+20% bonus magic resistance). The magic damage will also increase from 45/80/115/150/185 (+40% AP) to 55/90/125/160/195 (+40% AP).

Lillia will now have an increased monster damage cap of 70-150, up to 40% more damage at level 1 against monsters with over 1328 HP. Additionally, her healing against monsters has been improved to 39-54 and against champions to 6-90.

Malphite’s Empowered Attack damage has been lowered to 30/40/50/60/70 (+20% AP)(+15% Armor) from 30/45/60/75/90 (+20% AP)(+15% Armor), while his cleave physical damage remains unchanged.

Nidalee’s base armor has increased to 32 from 28, and her armor growth has been improved from 4.7 to 5.

Poppy’s Hammer Shock will now deal 9% target health damage, which was 8% previously, and her Steadfast Presence will now offer bonus resistances of 12% instead of 10%, while Poppy is below 40% maximum health.

Rakan’s base armor has been decreased to 30 from 32, and his armor growth has been reduced to 4.9 from 5.1.

League of Legends 13.8 Cosmic Drive Changes

Cosmic Drive’s ability power has been increased to 100, and the item now offers a new unique passive called Spelldance. Damaging a champion (excluding damage over time) will generate a stack of 2.5% movement speed every 1.5 seconds for the next 5 seconds, up to 4 stacks (10% movement speed). Once you reach 4 stacks, you will gain an additional 10% movement speed (20% movement speed total). Dealing damage refreshes this effect.

The update brings a few more changes to the game. Players can click here to read detailed League of Legends 13.8 Patch Notes.

These balance changes are sure to have a significant impact on gameplay for all players, from casual gamers to esports enthusiasts. With buffs to some champions and nerfs to others, the meta is set to shift, and players will need to adapt to stay competitive. It will be interesting to see how players adapt to these changes.