Valve Game Might Receive a Source 2 Upgrade


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Mar, 03.2023

Fans are speculating that a legendary Valve game may be getting updated to use its newer, more cutting-edge Source 2 engine considering a recent finding. Fans of Valve are eagerly anticipating the prospect, even if it is unclear whether it would be a straight port or remake. 

The Source engine is used by the great majority of Valve's games, including Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike: GO, and Portal. Yet after the firm unveiled a fresh iteration of the engine in 2015, it was further improved with the arrival of Half-Life: Alyx. Source 2 offers better lighting than the original engine and makes greater use of PC resources. Many questioned whether Valve's other games will eventually undergo the same transformation after DOTA 2 made the notable switch from the Source 2 engine to the classic Source engine years ago. 

The popular Counter-Strike: Global Offensive may be getting a Source 2 release, according to recent Nvidia evidence. Recent updates to Nvidia's drivers may include the addition of compatibility for recently released games. These new executables include "csgos2.exe," which the programme has identified as Counter-Strike 2, which astute data miners have found. This might signify one of two things: either a sequel, Counter-Strike 2, is one of Valve's unnamed games in production, or the 2 could indicate that the game is switching to the Source 2 engine, which has been rumored for years. 

Something weird just happened. Latest NVIDIA drivers introduced support for unknown app executables called "csgos2.exe" and "cs2.exe". Why project is called Counter-Strike 2 and what are you cooking @csgo?

— ‎Gabe Follower (@gabefollower) March 1, 2023

Naturally, this is not an official statement from Valve. Despite this, the firm has a reputation for keeping its projects under wraps since the debacle of Half-Life 2's significant leak back in 2003. When Valve startled fans by unveiling a prequel to Half-Life 2 in Half-Life: Alyx, many gamers had given up on seeing anything fresh from them at all. It appears that Valve has structural problems, which may be affecting the pace at which it releases new titles. It's not impossible that Valve, which has been silent about it, maybe working on a new Counter-Strike game. 

It's crucial to take this information with a grain of salt, though. Previous Nvidia leaks have accurately predicted several PC launches before they were formally announced, but others that were mentioned in earlier leaks haven't materialised. However, the cancellation of Valve initiatives is not unheard of. The Valve community frequently gets giddy at the first hint of something from the venerable game maker, but it might be wise to hold off on excitement until the firm officially announces a title