Know The Best FOV Settings for Warzone 2!




Nov, 18.2022

Call of Duty Warzone 2 has been launched recently by Activision as its new front-running Battle Royale after the success of Modern Warfare 2. Both titles share the same platform and feature a cross-progression system that permits the players to share content from both at the same time. There are various changes that have been introduced by the developers to Warzone’s fundamentals that have made it more realistic. 

Warzone 2 also gives a humongous list of settings that are required by fans to fulfill their needs and increase the efficiency of the game in order to win. It is a large multiplayer game that consists of a large map namely, AI Mazrah that has several topographical variations for the players to make use of and experience. 

The game offers a description of the settings and also their impact on the game, as well as a few visual representations that make the overall manual configuration method comfortable for the players who choose it. Also, in-game clarity to identify enemy operators in a proper way is really important, as the players can equip character cosmetics to blend in with the environment. 

Warzone 2 is completely new. The community should expect in-game issues and bugs to make the game bumpy. Developers are working on a patch to rid the title of the issues. This is expected to be an ongoing fix. 

Visibility can be a significant issue in large area-based titles like Warzone 2 and can have an impact on Players’ performance in the multiplayer lobby. The uncertainty of enemies coming up from all directions demands complete focus on every pixel to win the match. 

Field of View (FOV) settings: 

This means the area of vision on the screen for players in Warzone 2. It can be made broad as well as can be narrowed, but each side has its strengths and weaknesses. It should be configured as per one’s playstyle. 

Fans can find FOV settings by following the few steps given below: 

  • Launch Call of Duty Warzone 2. 

  • Head over to Settings. 

  • Click on the ‘Graphics’ tab. 

  • Under the icon, the FOV (slider) is present. 

The FOV settings can be changed by choosing the best option. Players are advised to explore this and experiment to find a good spot. 

Best FOV settings: 

More information shown on the screen is a great strength in helping players to form a team strategy around the information available and avoid being targeted or flanked. The FOV settings should be kept anywhere between 95 to 110 to avoid a cramped or wasted wide view of the huge map. 

Anything lower than 95 will make the enemy operators appear larger. Any FOV setting crossing 110 provides a field of vision that is wide enough and shrinks all map assets and becomes easy for the player to miss enemy players as they appear smaller. 

Stay tuned to our site for more updates on Warzone 2 settings and loadout builds.