Head of Microsoft Studios Talks About Halo Infinite's Post-Launch Issues


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Nov, 05.2022

 Although Halo Infinite had a strong beginning, Microsoft and 343 Industries have had trouble creating a compelling stream of post-launch content. So, what went wrong and why? Was the epidemic to blame, or was there another factor at play? 

Xbox Game Studios president Matt Booty said 343 just didn't have a good enough plan to maintain Halo Infinite after launch, but that they've now "retrenched" and are concentrating on getting things on track in a recent interview with Skill Up's Friends Per the Second podcast. On the Friends Per Second Podcast, Booty discussed the issue and admitted that Halo Infinite had made mistakes that lead to this point. Booty explains by drawing an analogy between it and a runner falling at the finish line of a race: "There is where we need to heal. The onus is on us." He cites the failure of the development to deliver "regular continuous interaction" to gamers, which led to the decline of Halo Infinite's initially sizable player base. 

Recognizing the problem is one thing, but implementing the necessary fixes is quite another. However, according to Booty, that procedure is in progress. He clarifies that 343 Industries has "retrenched" and is currently attempting to find ways to produce material more effectively. Nevertheless, Halo Infinite players will have to wait until the content pipeline is once more fully loaded. After that, Booty expresses gratitude to the Halo Infinite community for "sticking with us through this." According to him, the development team is aware that there is a greater need for content and enhancements, and 343 is currently concentrating on meeting those needs. Halo Infinite will eventually receive the "regular cadence of material" that users hoped for when the game first launched. 

Promises won't bring back the whole player base for Halo Infinite, thus 343 will need to demonstrate its capabilities. However, the Halo Infinite roadmap is promising. This Christmas season's Forge beta update will start adding custom content to the game, which should result in a more complete relaunch for the March 7 release of Halo Infinite Season 03: Echoes Within. New game modes, a 100-tier battle pass, a story event, and a unique game browser will all be part of that release. The Halo Infinite experience that 343 has long promised may then start to materialize at that moment.