According to reports, the LEC adopts new format in 2023.


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Oct, 23.2022

When the 2023 season starts in January, the League of Legends European Championship (LEC) is apparently going through a format change. According to a rumor from Alejandro Gomis of Blix. gg, the LEC will increase its season from two splits to three next year, with more tournament action spread out throughout the year. The first three days of each split will be designated as "super weeks," and the final three days of each split will be designated as the "regular season," followed by a playoff bracket. 

When it comes to regular season games, format modifications have been a common request. Western regions have continued to use a Best-of-1 format despite the LCK and LPL using a Best-of-3 system that enables teams to play more games and gain more stage time. 

They are also diverging from how LoL tournaments are conducted in any significant location. At least, it is what Blix's report claims. This information comes after another report that the LCS would switch to weekdays, suggesting that both Western leagues will undergo significant changes in 2019. There will be a lot more League of Legends to see in the LEC if these improvements are successful. 

The top eight regular season teams will be arranged in a bracket similar to the GSL for the playoff round that occurs at the conclusion of each split. A double elimination bracket with an even number of teams and teams that progress from both the winner's and loser's brackets are used in the GSL-style format, which is popular in the Counter-Strike arena. 

There will apparently be a grand finale at the conclusion of the domestic portion of the schedule in addition to the three splits spread out over the course of the season. The new LEC format's implications for the league sending teams to the Mid-Season Invitational or World Championship are currently unknown. For the 2023 season, no other leagues have declared a format change, and none have been rumored. 

Gomis also revealed last week that the LCS in North America will change its play days from Saturday to Thursday. Considering that alteration, Western League fans may be treated to five consecutive days of games between Wednesday and Sunday across North America. In January 2023, the LEC regular season will start.