New Skin for Captain America has been added to Marvel's Avengers


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Oct, 23.2022

Fans of Captain America now have a new suit of armor to battle the forces of evil. This latest offering is part of Crystal Dynamics' ongoing drip-feed of new cosmetics for Marvel's Avengers, and it might be especially appealing to fans of the Planet Hulk comics as well as those who want to see Steve Rodgers in a slightly different light. 

Gladiator is the name of the brand-new Captain America skin that was added to Marvel's Avengers on Friday. It was first shown earlier this week. It was inspired by Planet Hulk by Marc Laming and Sam Humphries, as shown below. Even though it heavily incorporates both the Hulk and Steve Rodgers, this Planet Hulk storyline is frequently regarded as one of the better Hulk tales. In terms of skins, Captain America's new appearance largely adheres to his original design save for the absence of the double-sided axe the hero used in the narrative. 

Players of Captain America will find quite a few goodies in Marvel's Avengers store right now. Up until October 27, he is the featured hero in the game's store, which entitles players to a 50% discount on almost all cosmetics with a Captain America theme. With the exception of the brand-new Gladiator skin and Cap's MCU costumes, this includes most of Captain America's skins from Marvel's Avengers. 

It will probably depend on the user whether slick new cosmetics like Gladiator Captain America will be sufficient to keep them returning to Marvel's Avengers given the game's bumpy history and content schedule. But even if it doesn't, Steve Rodgers fans at least have a lot to look forward to in the near future thanks to Skydance's Marvel game, which is still unnamed and features Captain America and Black Panther in World War 2. In any case, there shouldn't be a shortage of chances for Marvel fans to maneuver Steve's shield anytime soon. 

Captain America is this week's featured hero in Marvel's Avengers store rotation in addition to receiving a new skin. It also implies that all of his non-MCU clothing and cosmetics are on sale for the next few days, but the new Gladiator costume is obviously excluded from that sale.