Get Rewards for Finishing the Campaign in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Oct, 15.2022

The campaign mode of Call of Duty has always been one of the games' ironic long-term successes: It is also unquestionably the final reason many gamers even purchase the game, despite being a spectacle of unparalleled quality that delivers a degree of first-person shooter bombast that is becoming increasingly uncommon in the genre. In a bold attempt to implores players not to ignore it, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (not to be confused with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2) is holding out hope to remedy that by trying to offer multiplayer rewards like cosmetics, weapon blueprints, and XP boosts for conscientious players who play through the campaign. 

The decision was made by Infinity Ward to reward gamers that finish the whole campaign. You'll receive tonnes of extra bonuses in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II's multiplayer and Call of Duty: Warzone 2 for finishing certain tasks. Some of this is straightforward, like a token for double weapon XP, but it also unlocks far cooler items like operators and calling cards, as well as Captain Price's signature weapon via a weapon blueprint for players who finish the game to the end. If you decide to complete the narrative first, the gun comes equipped with a variety of attachments and will give you a good head start in multiplayer. Below, you can see a list of all the bonuses in the order of when they became available. 

  • Calling Card: "Soap's Determination" 

  • Emblem: "What's Done Is Done" 

  • 30-Minute Double XP Token 

  • 30-Minute Double Weapon XP Token 

  • Calling Card: "Chainlinked" 

  • Base Operator: Chuy 

  • 30-Minute Double XP Token 

  • 30-Minute Double Weapon XP Token 

  • Calling Card: "Gaz" 

  • Base Operator: Nova 

  • 1 Hour Double XP Token 

  • 1 Hour Double Weapon XP Token 

  • Calling Card: "Shadow Company Ops" 

  • Base Operator: Reyes 

  • 1 Hour Double XP Token 

  • 1 Hour Double Weapon XP Token 

  • Base Operator: Hutch 

With the blueprint for renowned Call of Duty hero Captain Price's iconic weapon "Union Guard" as a prize for completing the whole campaign, all of these rewards can be acquired incrementally as players advance through the game. 

Everyone in this situation seems to be urging you to play the Call of Duty campaign for once. Eat your damn vegetables, as Modern Warfare hero John "Soap" MacTavish is fond of saying before committing a war crime.