Ridiculous Modern Warfare 2 bug allows players to scale walls




Sep, 26.2022

The Modern Warfare 2 Beta is officially coming to an end, but the community couldn't let it end quietly. One more weakness is now affecting what's left of the public test after backlash to contentious design decisions, Skill-Based Matchmaking complaints, and numerous hacking issues. There have already been several serious problems in the Beta, ranging from aesthetic flaws to outright game crashes. However, if players are able to grasp this new exploit in due time, it may only alter the course of any one game. 

For the first time in the history of the franchise, hanging from a ledge is new in Modern Warfare 2. You have three options from here: descend to the ground, use a handgun to peek over, or mantle up to keep climbing. Due to players misusing the ability to clip through walls, the game's level design is disintegrating as a result of this new feature. Reddit user 'iTzRainDude' demonstrated the bug in a post on September 25 by effortlessly scaling a wall on the Farm 18 level. They were able to latch onto a shelf and glitch through the wall behind it rather than having to walk around the corner, unlock a door, and enter the area in the traditional manner. 

The new mantle feature seems to have very powerful pull-on players even from a distance, drawing them to it like a magnet. However, it appears that pull is now powerful enough to push players through solid barriers. Although it's uncertain whether the fault is present on all of Beta's maps, Dexerto was able to reproduce this specific case throughout our testing. At this time, Infinity Ward has not addressed this wall-busting flaw. Therefore, while the Beta is still active, it's important to exercise extra caution and keep in mind that adversaries could enter a room directly rather than through a door or window.