The Upcoming Subclass in Destiny 2 Might Be Known as Strand!




Aug, 21.2022

It's just been a while since Destiny 2 received a new subclass. Last time in 2020, a new subclass was
added to the game when Beyond Light was released. As per Bungie, the upcoming Lightfall
expansion will bring a new Darkness subclass. The new subclass will be known as Strand.  Earlier it
was decided that this subclass would be known as "The Strand" or just "Strand". 

It was also believed that this would be a poison-based subclass but this is information based on a
Pastebin leak. The information about the name came from Josh Hunt on Twitter. He got the updates
from a website related to the upcoming Destiny 2’s Lightfall expansion. In fact, the header was titled

This is not enough evidence to confirm the name of the upcoming new subclass but the chances are
high. There's still very little information regarding the subclass and as per the previous leaks, the
subclass would revolve around traversal and might consist of a feature allowing Guardians to
summon objects.

Bungie has an upcoming showcase on August 23rd , which is a Tuesday. This showcase would include
new details about Season 18 of Destiny 2 and the Lightfall expansion.

Lightfall could be dealing with an attack on The Traveler by The Witness. The result is yet not known
but considering The Traveler is the source of Light for every Guardian, there's a possibility of
Vanguard losing their Light once again. After that Guardians have to depend on the new Darkness
subclass to restore the Light.

The information listed here in this article is nothing but speculation. While there are not many leaks
regarding Destiny 2, data miners have been seen to be accurate whenever they leaked such details.
After Bungie's showcase, the authenticity of these leaks will be officially verified.
As there's very little time left in the Season of the Haunted, Guardians need to start wrapping up all
their pending missions and collect the rewards from Season Pass before the arrival of the next