How Can You Find Black Moss in Tower Of Fantasy?




Aug, 16.2022

Tower of Fantasy consists of factors that attract both casual as well as professional gamers. Many
fans of Genshin Impact have found this game quite similar to it and have given it a try. Another great
advantage to players is that the game is completely free to play.

There's a certain category of gamers who have been introduced to the open-world Tower of Fantasy,
having a wide range of items and gear to collect from. One such item to be found by the players in
the game is Black Moss. But one has to be fortunate enough to find this resource in the game.

So how players can actually such an item? While collecting various other items, it might get difficult
for the players to keep a track of what to do with each item and the ingredients to be used for each
one of them. Black Moss is a subset and is also known as an ingredient. These items have few uses
but mostly they are eaten raw or after being cooked into a dish at a cooking station in Tower of

The game's first chapter won't provide players with this item. The players need to enter the main
story in the second chapter and with their arrival at the landmass, they have a chance of getting the
necessary items as this is exactly where the game's maximum content is seen.

After reaching the Banges region, players will want to head west till they reach the Crowns. This
location has a large river with various reservoirs. Players will wish to make their way to the center of
the river as that area is mostly surrounded by water.

After reaching the said place, players can start their hunt for Black Moss. This is exactly the point
where players can get this ingredient and they can get it easily if their luck seems to favor them. This
ingredient provides the players with sustenance and thus a little trouble is justified.

The Satiety stat is overlooked by many players when they start playing Tower of Fantasy. This habit
needs to be given up as this stat is important for players who want to fight all kinds of strong foes. It
directly coincides with players ability to regenerate their health out of combat.

Black Moss provides two points to the players in Satiety and also brings a large portion of health
back to them. If Black Moss is consumed once, players will be able to regain over 2000 health back
and also an extra amount based on their maximum health.