No Man's Sky Can Now Run Without a Dedicated Graphics Card




Aug, 09.2022

Since its 2016 release, the cosmological exploration game No Man's Sky by Hello Games has
undergone significant changes. The studio put its heart and effort into distancing itself from that
awful launch six years ago, and the result is a game that went from being a flop to becoming a
cult masterpiece. Update after update, providing more free stuff, just keeps coming. Many
people would presume that the PC version of the game needs some good hardware to operate
because it has been enlarged so much. In reality, though, such is not the case.

No Man's Sky won't just work on a very low-end machine, but it also doesn't require a
specialized graphics card, according to a new claim from PC Games. Although the requirements
list currently suggests that gamers won't need an Nvidia or AMD GPU to play No Man's Sky on
PC, it isn't to imply that graphics technology isn't necessary. A minimum-requirement Intel UHD
630 with 3 GB of VRAM ought to be sufficient. These integrated graphics processors come with
Intel CPUs from the 8th and 9th generations. It appears that the game doesn't even require a
modern CPU because it can be made to operate on an i3 processor.

For sure, a graphics card like the Nvidia RTX 3090 will undoubtedly improve the game, it's good
to know that an integrated graphics processor will work just as well, especially in this day and
age when many people are unwilling to part with their cash for pricey technology. According to
a YouTube video by Random Gaming HD, No Man's Sky can be played without a specialized
graphics card and still maintain a respectable frame rate. Players should still be able to obtain 30
frames per second, which should be suitable for most people, even if it will require a slight
adjustment to the game's settings.

Hello Games is continuing its effort to continue releasing new content for its expansive science
fiction game, with No Man's Sky recently receiving its Endurance update. It received harsh
criticism when it first came out for having so little to do in the game. It became clear rather
immediately that the game's developer had greatly exaggerated what players were expected to
achieve in it, to the point that false advertising lawsuits were filed.

Nowadays, things are very different. In reality, No Man's Sky just received a BAFTA, winning the
prize for Evolving Game. The consequence is that the game has one of the largest redemption
arcs in the business and is loved by millions of devoted players worldwide.