Free-to-play Project-L adds the Kraken Priestess illaoi to the team: confirms Riot Games




Aug, 03.2022

Valorant developer Riot Games shares a first peek of its long-announced
project-L to be officially revealed in its free-to-play paradigm. The developer
has planned to incorporate a new character Illaoi: The Kraken Priestess and
discussed their future proposition with regards to monetary affairs.

Tom Cannon the senior developer, stated that “When it comes to
monetization, we promise to be respectful of both your time and your wallet”. It
is claimed that the Senior Developers and Executive producers are currently
emphasizing all their attention on making project-L Barrier free irrespective of
where you reside. The whole idea of introducing free-to-play model is to cater
to the amusement of the players without being bothered about their economic

The champion Illaoi is very well accustomed among League of Legends
players. However, the champ in this new Project L will be outfitted with a "Big
Body Juggernaut" along with a “huge hurtbox, massive hits, and slower
movement, with a simple-to-learn, hard-to-master kit”, added game designer
Caroline Montano. Further describing how Illaoi is going to function within the
game, “Illaoi is a strong and muscular woman who attacks with a giant totem,
so it makes sense she would hit with her own physical strength, as opposed to
hiding behind the power of her god or magical abilities”. The other five
confirmed league champions will be showcased in Project L with illaoi are:
Ahri, Darius, Ekko, Jins and Katarina.

While the associate game director Shaun Rivera put forward his views by
saying, “Essentially, we want players to see a champion in Project L do
something they’ve never seen before, and think ‘Holy shit, they did what? Of
course, they can do that…’”, UNCONKABLE!!!! speaks. In fact, the developers
were clever enough to assign Illaoi a position for its fighting gameplay which
has been the main characteristic of Illaoi that has been long featured in both
League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra.

The gameplay pattern of Illaoi has been clearly illustrated, which Montano
conveyed in his statement, “We also needed tentacles. Illaoi’s god,
Nagakabouros, is a tentacle sea monster, and there needed to be some
aspect of that in her kit. But beyond empowering her attacks, Nagakabouros
also gives Illaoi the strength to steal her opponent’s soul”.

Tom Cannon affirms that Project L is going to experience something fantastic
and exhilarating. With a tonne of upgrades planned for the next year.