A Walk Through The Castle Sol And The Consecrated Snowfield Of Elden Ring


Soumi Sarkar


Jun, 14.2022

The Mountaintops of the Giants hold a lot of hidden places. At the peak of the Mountaintops of the Giants, the players will find the Flame of the Ruins. But it is not the only secret of the frozen mountain ranges of Elden Ring. One of the fiercest demigods in these snowy mountains is Malenia, a Shardbearer who is hiding somewhere there. If the players can find Malenia on the way to claiming the Flame of the Ruins, they can get hold of her Great Runes but finding her is not a simple task.

In Elden Ring, apart from the players, The Tarnished knight, Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing, too, attempted to find Malenia and her brother, Miquella. 

About Castle Sol and Godwyn The Soulless

The Grand Lift of Rold will only take the players to a new location if they have a special medallion. The players got the first half of the medallion from the Albinauric woman, Latenna, back in the Liurnia of the Lakes. The second half of it is in the Castles Sol, a stronghold in the mountains. But it is Commander Niall who guards this medallion. 

Godwyn, a half-brother to Miguell, was assassinated in the Night of the Back Knives by Ranni. He had an unusual death as his body survived, but his soul got murdered. It was when he came to be known as the Prince of Death. Miguell tried to help his half-brother and went to Castle Sol to seek help, which is when Commander Niall briefly worked alongside Miguell. 

About the Consecrated Snowfield

By acquiring the second half of the medallion from Niall, the players can use the Grand Lift of Rold to reach Consecrated Snowfield, which remains guarded by the Albinaurics and the deadly spirits. Here the players will discover the true quest of Latenna. The players can get to Ordina, Liturgical Town, which serves as a mini-dungeon where they will need to get into the evergaol at the top of the town to unlock the pathway to Haligtree. Thus, the players can head to Haligtree to discover more about Miguell and the Empyrean.