An Apex Legends Fan Have Build Valkyrie's Missile Swarm's Functional Replica


Soumi Sarkar


Jun, 09.2022

An Apex Legends diehard fan has taken the internet by storm by building a fully functional, fire launching replica of Valkyrie's missile launcher showcasing the high-flying character's tactical abilities. The fan in a Reddit post demonstrated the mechanism of the Missile Swarm launcher in full-fledged action. The post did get more than 7,500 upvotes in the Apex Legends subreddit, and he has also posted a clearer video on his Instagram page. 

The fan, TonelsDark, replicates the functions of Valkyrie's missile launcher. The missile replicates Valkyrie's Missile Swarm from its red colour scheme to its functionality. TonelsDark also mimics the hand movements of the missile's owner and has it attached to his back using a harness. 

According to ToneDark, a 22-year-old engineering student has revealed that the missile launcher can shoot 19 shots in rapid succession. He shared that Mark I, though complete but requires some adjustments for its future model. The future model will have the feature of firing while still wearing the missile. The motors, too, need a redesigning as it struggles in the current model after an episode of firing. Thus, he aims to change the current motors with a much stronger motor to tackle the firing effortlessly, add attachments, and adjust the circuit so that the future model can support the firing without any struggles.

Replicating Valkyrie's Missile Swarm was ToneDark's passion project which took him approximately two months to prepare. He set himself a target time of two months as he was about to get busy with his full-time university by the end of summer. So it was in two months that he finished the designing, construction, and filming of the video before he flew abroad for his university. Despite coming out with a successfully functioning missile launcher, Tone faced quite a few bumps. The most complex challenge was programming the sensors, which was necessary for the launcher to get running. 

ToneDark promises to create more Apex Legends inspired projects. He further added to his statement, saying he has a high-tech hobby and loves building wild creations. His Mark I Missile Swarm has left the Apex Legends fans anticipated for the upcoming Mark II.