Cities: Skyline launches VR modifications later this month


Arunava Mandal


Apr, 08.2022

Cities: Skylines is a city-building game released by Paradox Interactive in 2015. It was created by Colossal Order and published by Paradox Interactive in 2015. The game is a single-player, open-ended simulation of city-building. Controlling the zoning, road location, taxation, public services, and public transit of a region is how players engage in urban planning. They also seek to manage the city's finances, health, employment, and pollution levels, among other things. It's also possible to keep a city in sandbox mode, which gives the user more creative freedom.

Cities: Skylines is a step forward from Colossal Order's prior Cities in Motion games, which focused on creating efficient transportation systems. While the developers believed they had the technological expertise to grow to a complete city simulation game, their publisher, Paradox, was wary about SimCity's market domination. However, after the disastrous failure of the 2013 SimCity game, Paradox approved the project. The developer's goal was to construct a gaming engine capable of recreating the everyday routines of almost a million individual inhabitants while presenting this information to the player in a straightforward manner, allowing the player to quickly grasp different design flaws in their city. This contains traffic congestion that is realistic, as well as the impacts of traffic congestion on municipal services and districts. Various expansions and other DLC have been produced for the game after its initial release. In addition, the game contains built-in support for user-generated content.

Fast Travel Games has announced the release of a virtual reality version of Skylines for its popular city-building game Cities. On the 28th of April, the game Cities: VR will be released on the meta quest two headsets, and anybody who preorders will receive a 10% discount. Finally, the developer stated that Cities: VR will be regularly improved after its first release with free content and regular updates. In December last year, this virtual reality event was first unveiled. Fast Travel Games and Paradox Interactive rented a brief trailer of an experience after making the news. The trailer didn't reveal much, other than the fact that users could use an immersive camera and interactive hand control to design a metropolis. Cities: VR will feature a variety of features, according to the duo.

Skylines, the latest VR take on cities, will not be a transfer of the original. Instead, it will provide a more personal experience for aspiring virtual civil engineers. This is due to the fact that virtual reality does not have the same scale and size as a computer. Since then, the developer has narrowed the breadth of the virtual reality experience to a more focused one. Some capabilities, such as terrain modification and natural disasters, are unfortunately not available in VR. There are no immediate plans to incorporate new features and content, including virtual reality, into cities.We knew we had to jump at the chance to remake Cities: The Skylines for VR when the opportunity arose, and the teams at Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive have provided huge inspiration over the last seven years. He went on to say that everyone at Fast Travel thinks this is a fantastic introduction to the franchise for newcomers, but that the best part is the introduction of the franchise itself.