The Yu-Gi-Oh! The Japanese video game World Championships have been cancelled.




Apr, 06.2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championships have been postponed. Konami announced the news on the game's official Twitter page, citing the "current worldwide crisis," which we're assuming refers to the continuing global epidemic. 
Pandemic COVID-19. Despite widely available immunizations and two years of experience, countries throughout the world are reporting increases in confirmed cases, which are likely the result of a sixth wave (or seventh, depending on your country). Germany, France, and China are in the midst of a COVID outbreak, whereas the United States and Canada are only now seeing an increase in cases.

— Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG (@YuGiOh_TCG) March 31, 2022

” In light of the current global situation, the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2022 will not be held this year,” Konami stated. “We apologize to everyone that was looking forward to the event and appreciate your understanding. In place of the World Championship, we are preparing to offer various in-person and Remote Duel events for our Yu-Gi-Oh! titles, including TCG territorial Championships.” 

Fans are dissatisfied, and others are demanding that Konami continue with the event despite the increase in COVID-19 instances. 

Although GDC could still turn out to be a super spreader event (due to COVID-19's long incubation period, people who attended the convention should only now be showing symptoms), a potentially deadly virus wasn't the only reason to avoid the conference. Several guys were reportedly "preying about" and "several ladies were attacked" during the Women in Games International event, according to attendees. This has prompted requests for a code of conduct and more security personnel to be present at future events.