Horizon Forbidden West Players Highlight the Game's Incredible Small Details




Mar, 30.2022

Horizon Forbidden West was released last month to critical acclaim and is now one of the year's highest-rated video gaming releases. Because Horizon Forbidden West is a cross-gen game, some people were afraid that it wouldn't look as well as it should, but the final result has demonstrated that it's still one of the best-looking games ever produced, regardless of whether you're playing on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. 

Fans recently took to Reddit to point out some of the game's most remarkable tiny elements that may have gone overlooked. Cirescythe, a Reddit member, initiated the thread. 
Cirescythe points out that if Horizon Forbidden West heroine Aloy puts tracks in the snow, they will fill back up if it snows. It was also said that when a machine pushes up against a tree, it bends naturally and that Aloy will leave wet tracks on the sand if she just came from the water.

The essay also discusses how the game environment in Horizon Forbidden West evolves as players continue, with particular locales altering look according to what occurs in both main and side missions, as well as how new encounters with NPCs frequently surface after players have completed their storylines. Guerrilla Games has put in a lot of effort to make even the tiniest parts of Horizon Forbidden West correct, and the community appreciates it.

Meanwhile, there are rumours that Horizon Forbidden West DLC is in the works, and if those rumours are true, it will be exciting to see what more Guerrilla Games can come up with for franchise fans.