Fortnite might be keeping its no-building mode for good


Arunava Mandal


Mar, 28.2022

According to a dataminer, Fortnite's no-building mode may become permanent. On March 23, prominent Fortnite dataminer Hypex reported that the game's developer Epic Games can create no-building modes at any time once the current limited-time event ends. The dataminer also claims that loading screens have been modified to read "in modes with building enabled," implying that the no-building mode is still available.

Fortnite's combat has changed dramatically since the option to build was removed. Following some hands-on time with the game this week, assessment of the update. It is not, however, a permanent fixture; rather, it was introduced as the highlight feature of Fortnite: Chapter 3 Season 2, which began on Sunday, March 20. With the removal of the Fortnite building – which is scheduled to last about a week – "Movement Upgrades" have been added to features of running, climbing, and sliding, with the goal of assisting players in combat. The Fortnite community, as expected, is split down the middle.

Since its inception, Fortnite's battle royale mode has seen numerous alterations. Back when the battle royale required the subscription of the complete game to access before the free-to-play skinapalooza. Fortnite is now enjoyable to play as a casual player. The most skilled builders can no longer spam create a 12-story edifice every time someone strikes at them. The playing field has been balanced, giving those of us who are good at shooting but not so good at creating a luxurious mansion with a pool a better chance. And they're having a lot more fun.

Even the presence of tanks does not significantly detract from the situation. Sure, Fortnite's primary concept is its building features, but the fact that it's currently only a conventional shooter with a fascinating map, some unique objectives, and bounties makes it a lot of fun. It's nice to not be encased in a wooden cage and fired with a pump shotgun every game.

This seems to be convincing proof that Epic Games is going to preserve the no-building mode in Fortnite as a permanent feature. Since the release of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 earlier this week, players' building powers have been completely gone from the game, thus there are no longer any buildings or walls to hide behind. If Fortnite's no-building mode returns after being cycled out of the game in the near future, it'll be interesting to watch how many players stick with it. It's fair to say that completely removing the building from the battle royale shooter at the start of this season rattled Fortnite and its player base, but offering gamers new ways to play a game is never a terrible thing.