Ghostwire, the latest game from Tango Gameworks, is a must-have if you've ever wanted a cop thriller with talking animals




Mar, 18.2022

Tokyo is strange, to say the least. Tango Gamesworks' latest game sees you racing around Shibuya, battling demonic Yokai by shooting energy out of your hands, worming your way into possessed houses, reading the minds of dogs and cats, and embarking on a quest for a tanuki's companions who came to Tokyo for the day to enjoy the sights.

IGN has released a new 18-minute gameplay trailer that just adds to that impression. It's certainly strange, but the player character is just too powerful for any genuine sense of fear to be there. It's more of a supernatural stealth brawler in where you use your abilities to track down evil characters, sneak up on them, and hurl punches.


Of course, there's a lot more going on here than simply fistfights. Your primary weapon in Ghostwire: Tokyo, as Mollie described it in her recent preview, is "awesome dance hand wizardry," also known as Ethereal Weaving in the game's terminology. The ability allows players to knock down foes and, when the moment is perfect, take out their "core," a sort of quick-and-dirty exorcism of the demons that have transformed all of Tokyo's citizens into ghosts being dragged into the abyss, which is why the city is so darn empty. Pretty weird, huh!

A more specific illustration of the strangeness happens early in the film, when the player uses a cucumber to hunt down something called a kappa. But, as it turns out, it's oddity that fits the context: According to Wikpedia, a kappa is a Japanese mythological amphibious ghost with a strong affinity for cucumbers. (They also seem to enjoy using their anus to extract the shirikodama from their victims, which will be interesting to see how that plays out in the game.)

On March 25, Ghostwire: Tokyo will be released. Ghostwire: Tokyo - Prelude, a free visual novel that sets the stage for the game, is now available on Steam.