You Can Now Be Batman In Sifu, And We Are In Love


Abhishek Dash


Mar, 17.2022

Mods. Sometimes they make games, other times they can completely break them. But the general consensus will always remain that you can gauge the amount of love and support poured into a game with how robust the modding community for it is. And with the release of Sifu, that love has reached new heights. 

A flexible, fantastically challenging, new and fresh take on the martial arts adventure subgenre of gaming, Sifu was one of the most unique releases this year. Combining real-life fighting choreography with an 3D oil-painted world was one of the best combinations that few had ever executed before, which is what has made it one of the contenders for the game of the year. And that is despite having a release schedule packed to the brim with fantastic titles.

And with such a complete package of a game, where your protagonist is driven by a singular mindset of vengeance, it makes them the perfect character for other similar pop culture legends to inhabit.

Earlier, we had seen a mod where the main character was replaced with the iconic face and suit of the assassin John Wick, and modders are back with a new power fantasy to go along with our journey through the five bosses in the game. Taking inspiration from the recently released The Batman directed by Matt Reeves and starring Robert Pattinson, this Sifu mod sees you cloaked in the Kevlar of the newest iteration of the iconic batsuit.

Although the suit is not much more than an aesthetically pleasing cover, we have to commend the hours put behind it to make it look authentic and natural. This also goes well with the lore of the character, who is often written to be proficient in multiple martial arts such as jiu jitsu and karate.

Be that as it may, the Batman mod for Sifu is one of the best skins that we have seen in a long time. After all, this might finally convince the scribe to stop putting it to the side and actually beat the final boss.