John Romero, Doom 2 designer creates a new level to support Ukraine


Arunava Mandal


Mar, 04.2022

Doom co-creator John Romero re-engulfed himself to map-making for the classic first-person shooter, releasing duel solo maps in short precession, followed by a large megawad in the form of Sigil in 2019. Even aside, it was great, and it was well-received enough that a sequel is in the works, this time for Doom 2. While we wait for that, Romero has recently released a completely new Doom 2 level, with 100% of the proceeds going to Ukraine's humanitarian operations.
The level in question is called One Humanity, and it is Romero's first new design for the game since 1994. It's currently available for €5 on Romero's website, with all earnings going to the UN Central Emergency Service Fund as well as the Red Cross, two humanistic organizations assisting those caught up in Russia's onslaught on Ukraine. The Ukrainian Red Cross Society and CERF are the organizations willing to aid.

http://<iframe width="862" height="485" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

During critical situations and conflict, the former assists immigrants, orphans, captives, and the sick, but it doesn't stop there. It also aids people in recovering from traumatic occurrences and moving on.CERF is just a "United Nations global emergency response fund" that strives to save lives in moments of emergency, and it is also aiding civilians who've been victimized by Russia. Players can contribute by purchasing the Doom 2 level or by making a one-time donation. While Romero claims that all earnings would be donated to charity, he also proclaimed the level was created for free.