Everything We Know About Next Potential Agent in Valorant




Feb, 20.2022

Jett and her abilities are being applauded in a recent video released by Valorant as she storms Seoul. A mysterious figure can be seen in the background of the video several times, and the same figure will also appear on the upcoming Undercity skin line. Players are already speculating on who will be the next character to enter the fray, with fiesty speed demon Neon being the most recent. So, from current rumors to a possible release date, here's everything we know about Valorant's next Agent.




As Jett races through the city's neon-lit streets, we see her pass an advertisement for a musician named "Victoria Vector," a blue-haired cyberpunk character who appears to have stepped right out of CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077. Victoria can also be found on the Undercity skin bundle, whose 3D style encapsulates this vibrant city in cosmetic form. This implies that, even if Victoria does not appear as a playable character in the game, she may still be important to the Valorant storyline.


Later, the same face was seen in the upcoming Undercity skin bundle for the game. The cyberpunk-inspired bundle, which resembles Valorant's popular Glitchpop collection, will most likely be the company's next gun skin. It prominently displays the same enigmatic figure's face. Everything we've seen so far is only a snippet of the mysterious Victoria, so the shape her abilities can take is entirely up to speculation.



Riot has done similar teases in the past. Once the playback speed is sufficiently slowed, Chamber can be seen in the Year One Anthem video. Neon's voice was highlighted on the grand stage of the Champions finals, where players heard her for the first time. As a result, if we are to see Victoria again, she will most likely accompany either Act 3 (though the map is more likely) or the release of the next Episode.