Rainbow Six Siege Y7S1 Name Announced




Feb, 17.2022

So, just a few days back we got to see the first teaser for the upcoming season of Rainbow Six Siege. This will mark the start of the seventh year of Rainbow Six Siege, and the first season of this year. Back then, all we knew was that in this season, there would be a new operator that has a unique multi-purpose kunai knife. And, that this operator will be quite well-dressed. I mean, the teaser showed that the operator was wearing a suit, so. Anyway, back then, we did not even know the name of the upcoming season. But, now we do. The Year 7 Season 1 of Rainbow Six Siege is called Demon Veil.

This information came via one of the new tweets from Ubisoft, and this time around, we can also see the face of the new operator. Well, not fully, as she is wearing a mask. But, COVID I guess, just kidding. Anyway, check out the tweet for yourself below.

It's almost time to come out of the shadows.

Tune in February 19 for the full reveal of Demon Veil LIVE on https://t.co/27TuUcX0n1 pic.twitter.com/LA33X5O97L

— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) February 16, 2022

And, unfortunately, that is all that we have now. We would be learning more about the new season in the full reveal. Well, we have not got the full reveal yet. The full reveal will be on this Saturday, February 19. As for the timings, that will be 7:30 AM PST / 10:30 AM EST / 3:30 PM GMT, and as for Indian Standard Time, it will be at 9 PM IST. As of now, all we know is the name of the new season, Demon Veil. And, also that the new operator will have a special kunai knife. Not to mention, this operator takes styling seriously, wearing a suit, and a stylish mask.

Once the full reveal takes place, then, in the next day we would also be getting the roadmap for Year 7 of Rainbow Six Siege. This would show us what Ubisoft has planned this year for their favorite multiplayer tactical FPS. Anyway, that is just like three days away from now. And, the reveal is like two days away.