Genshin Impact 2.5 Update New Weapons: All you need to know


Arindam Banerjee


Feb, 16.2022

Genshin Impact 2.5 will be getting us some new and interesting things. Some new story quests, Yae Miko's banner, and much more. And to level up the excitement, even more, the developers recently announced the two new catalyst-type weapons. This article will tell you everything you need to know about the two new upcoming Weapons ‘Kagura’s Verity’ and Oathsworn Eye’.

Genshin Impact 2.5 Update New Weapons: All you need to know

Two new weapons will be released in the Genshin Impact 2.5 Update along with Yae Miko's Banner. Here are the details about both of these new weapons. 

• Kagura's Verity: Kagura's Verity is a catalyst-type weapon with CRIT DMG as a substrate. The weapon has an effect that gives you the Kagura's Dance and overall the effect increases the Elemental Skill DMG of the character who wields that weapon. This weapon will be the signature weapon of Yae Miko and will be available in the weapon banner of the 2.5 updates. 

• Oathsworn Eye: This new catalyst will be available via an in-game event in the 2m5 update. This weapon is again a catalyst and is having ATK% as a substat. This weapon increases the Energy recharge of the character by 24% for 10s upon the use of the elemental skill. 

That said, these were the two weapons that will be coming in the 2.5 updates of Genshin Impact. According to me the oath sworn eye catalyst is surely an amazing option for sucrose when she is in a team with someone like Xiao. Characters like Xiao are always needing high energy recharge as most of their DMG comes from their burst. Nevertheless, make sure to stay tuned with us for similar updates in the fire as well.