Valorant Patch 4.03 Bring Major Improvement in Death Match mode and Agent Brimstone


Arindam Banerjee


Feb, 16.2022

Deathmatch and Brimstone's ultimate ability will be profoundly impacted in VALORANT Patch 4.03. The new patch will also fix a few bugs, improve AFK detection to prevent players from farming XP through exploits, and add a new option for returning to the strongest weapon in your inventory. Patch 4.03 contains several updates for Brimstone's ultimate. Brimstone's ultimate ability now "properly blocks gameplay visibility while active," and players can't see enemies on the mini-map while using it. Flashes and the recon pulses from Sova's Recon Bolt, which require a line of sight, no longer work through the ultimate.

Modes Update: Death Match
Removed and in some cases relocated “dangerous” spawn locations
Improved spawn logic and spawn placement to increase the likelihood that you will be facing each other players in an encounter
Spawning logic will now favor respawn locations farther away from where you are defeated
Fixed an issue where the Warm-Up Phase was not using spawn logic properly
Respawn Time Reduced: 3s >>> 1.5s

Agent Update: Brimstone
Brimstone’s ultimate now properly blocks gameplay visibility while active You’ll no longer see enemies on the minimap through the ultimate.
Abilities that require line of sight (flashes, Sova recon pulses) will no longer apply through the ultimate.

Game System Update:
Added option to return to strongest weapon
You can now return to the strongest weapon when pressing the “Equip Last Used Item” key or when auto-equipping a weapon.
To toggle ON, go to Settings >> Controls >> Equipment under “Prioritize Strongest Weapon.”

Agents Bugs Improved
A bug that allowed Chamber's Headhunter and Tour de Force to float away has been fixed.
Fixed an exploit in which it was possible to see inside Viper's ultimate without being affected by the nearsighted debuff using specific line-ups.
Fixed a bug in which Viper's ultimate would occasionally fail to expand through doorways.

Social Changes
Fixed a bug where pressing enter in pre-game wouldn’t focus chat
Fixed a bug where right-clicking a player portrait would not bring up a context menu