Phoenix Point Is Free To Play This Weekend


Saptarshi Mazumdar


Oct, 11.2021

Phoenix Point is a turn-based strategy game that is designed by the popular designer Julian Gollop. If you are a fan of the genre, and have been planning on getting Phoenix Point, then we have some really good news for you. Phoenix Point is going to be free to play this weekend. So, now, you can try it for free, and you have the entire week to play it. And, in the event that you end up liking the game, and want to keep it forever. Then, you can also buy it, and there you have another surprise. There is a 50% discount going on. So, you will be able to grab it at literally half the price. It cannot get any better now, can it?

And, this is the Year Onne Edition of the game. So, those who get it will be able to access not only the Phoenix Point game, but also get all the expansions that were released during that year. You get the Blood and Titanium DLC, and Legacy of the Ancients DLC as well. And, these expansions did add a significant amount of new stuff to the game. So, there is a lot of content that can be played for free here. If you were looking for a new game to keep you busy this weekend without spending, then this seems to be an excellent choice. Does it not?

Phoenix Point is much similar to X-Com which is also from the same designer. So, in here, you also command a team of highly trained combatants who are tasked with fighting against a mutant alien invasion on Earth. It is a turn-based strategy battle just as we have seen before in X-Com games. The players will be having to make important decisions regarding alliances and also other progressions.

So, if you are a fan of turn-based strategy games such as the X-Com games? Then, this weekend is going to be really special for you. Not only are you going to be able to play a game that has been made by the same designer for free, but you are also going to be able to keep it at a discounted price if you end up liking the game.