Call of Duty: Vanguard Open Beta Starts This Weekend


Saptarshi Mazumdar


Sep, 17.2021

Call of Duty: Vanguard has had two betas so far, with the second one even running currently. The first beta that we got was for PlayStation users only, and this current one is for those who have pre-ordered the game. However, now, an open beta that is absolutely free, and has no such criteria is going to start this very weekend. So, if you are someone who has not pre-ordered the game, and is neither on PlayStation, then it will soon be an opportunity for you to get your hands on Call of Duty: Vanguard for absolutely free.

The open beta for Call of Duty: Vanguard is set to start on September 18th, which is tomorrow, and will be available all the way till September 20. As for the timings, it will start from 6 am BST / 1 pm EST / 10 pm PT on September 18, and will be going on till the same timing on September 20. So, there will be three days for the players to experience the game. And, what do you need to play the game apart from an online connection, and a capable gaming PC? Just a account it seems. Without the account, you would not be able to in the Call of Duty: Vanguard. And, this beta would also be featuring cross-play, along with support for progress carry over when the full game releases. So, if you decide to buy the game after trying it in the open beta, all of the progress you made here, would stay.

The open beta will also see a lot of new additions. Currently, the beta features Champion Hill mode, to which Patrol will be added. "Based on Hardpoint, this objective-based mode features a nearly constant moving scoring zone," according to the press release. All the usual suspects are here too, of course: Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Search & Destroy among them. Then there is also the new combat pacing system in Vanguard. With it, the players would be able to join various lobbies with player count settings of their preference. Tactical is still going to be 6v6 battles like it was. And Assault will vary between 20, and 28 total players. As for Blitz, that is going to be between 24 and 48 players.

So, there is a good amount of stuff that will be available in this free to play open beta. For those of you who were waiting to try out the game, now is the opportunity.