No Man's Sky: Frontiers Is Here


Saptarshi Mozumdar


Sep, 02.2021

No Man’s Sky just got its latest update, and expansion called Frontiers, and with it, there is a lot of new and interesting stuff that is happening. And, among all of these new additions, there is one that the fans have been asking for long now. That is the addition of “living, breathing Mos Eisley-type settlements”. According to Hello Games, this addition was quite challenging as it required a lot of technical, and design changes. But, finally, they have managed to get it done, and it is here now.

But, what is so special about these new settlements? Well, these settlements, are more like “little towns, filled with NPCs with their own tasks and problems”. That is how Hello Games have explained it. And, as the players, you can also take the task of an overseer on these new settlements. The players will be having the option to build new buildings and all other types of stuff in the settlement. And, as the overseer, and leader of these new settlements, you can also name them as you feel like. Talking of building, this update completely revamps how the game’s current base building feature works. With this new update, there are now lots of new parts, a new grid style menu, advanced building options, etc. With the help of these new changes, the players will not only be able to make buildings with more ease,  but can also get even more creative with them, and make some really beautiful masterpieces.

The settlements have some really interesting mechanics, the inhabitants will be asking you, as the overseer, various types of favors,and as you would also be having to make various crucial decisions, solve the conflicts among the other inhabitants, and not to mention, protect them from various hostilities as well. Well, obviously, as an overseer there would be a lot to do for the inhabitants of your settlement.

And, the settlement is not all either. With this new update, there is also the new expedition too, that is called Cartographers. This is more about planetary mapping and exploration, while also escaping toxic atmosphere of the Gisto Major planet. So, all in all, there is quite a bit of new stuff added to the game with this new update.