Apex Legends Cross-Progression Is Not Going To Happen This Year


Saptarshi Mazumdar


Aug, 09.2021

Apex Legends has to be one of the most popular choices when it comes to battle royale games that are available on PC. When it was released, it was made available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC as well. However, in March 2021 it was also made available for Nintendo Switch. Then, in October 2020, crossplay also got implemented which allowed players of Apex Legends to play with other players from different platforms. However, cross-progression is still not made available in Apex Legends. And, now it seems that it would not even be happening this very year. Instead, cross-progression for Apex Legends is now scheduled to happen in 2022.

So, for all of those who were waiting for cross-progression to be implemented in Apex Legends, it seems, that they have to wait for quite a few months. Respawn confirms that cross-progression would not be happening until at least the next year. So, although crossplay is a thing and the game can be played with friends on different platforms, cross-progression is still not a thing that you can do. For those of you who are unaware, cross-progression will simply mean having a universal account, and all the progress or changes that would be made on this account on one platform would also reflect on the other platforms. As of now, to play Apex Legends on multiple platforms, you would have to use different accounts for different platforms, which can be quite a hassle.

Cross progression is not a simple thing to implement according to Respawn’s Director of Comms, Rkrigne, “Cross-progression is gnarly as hell in terms of being a problem to solve,” is what the team is saying. Not only is it about the technical difficulties of merging existing accounts, but also the legal issues regarding in-game purchases on the accounts. Furthermore, different regions have a different set of laws as well, which further complicates the matter.

The team is working on it however and is committed to delivering it. But, it won’t be happening this year, and it is definitely not coming out any time before the next year according to Rkrigney, Respawn’s Director of Comms.