Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4 Reloaded Gets A New Game Mode


Saptarshi Mozumdar


Jul, 13.2021

Call of Duty: Warzone is a game that has constantly stayed popular over the years, and even now has a very large, and active player base. Now it seems that for those who were getting a bit bored with the existing modes, are finally going to get a breath of fresh air. A new game mode is finally getting added to the game with Warzone Season 4 Reloaded. This new game mode is going to be called Payload. Payload is going to be very different from every Warzone mode that we have had so far. This is the first game mode added to Warzone that is going to be an objective-based one. There will be a convoy that will have to be defended by one team, and attacked by the other. The team that manages to do its task wins it.

Objective-based game modes are available in the other Call of Duty games. However, with Warzone it is the first time we are getting something along these lines. So far, all we have had was just about racking up kills, surviving to the end, having the most amount of money, etc. But, this time it will be objective-based. So, Payload sounds very promising and is definitely going to provide a really fresh and unique experience.

Payload will be made available on July 15, 2021, which is the same date as the launch of Season 4 Reloaded. This mode will be obviously team vs team, and each team will have 20 players. One team will be driving a convoy that is apparently carrying some top secret components, through a series of checkpoints. At the same time, the opposing team will be trying to stop it. Naturally, all of this will be have to done in a set amount of time. 

If the defending team manages to get the convoy through all the checkpoints, obviously within the time limit, it will win, and if the defending team fails to do so. Then, the opposing team will win the match. Pretty similar to the Escort game mode that we have in Overwatch. However, there are also some unique twists. The players will be dropping in when they respawn, and they can even get various weapons, upgrades, and cash throughout the map.

All of this sounds really interesting, and something that Overwatch players would be finding very familiar. However, with some unique changes added, the Payload mode is something new, and something that the Warzone players would definitely appreciate.