Super Mario Unopened Copy sold in $1.56 Million at an Auction. 


Soumi Sarkar


Jul, 13.2021

As per the latest updates, the previous record of The Legend of Zelda is sold at $860,000. It is quite a
great figure, isn’t it! A copy of the 3D Mario title, Super Mario 64, will be sold at an auction. The
whopping price is estimated at around $1.56 million. It is termed to be the most expensive video game
that is ever sold to date. The records of the earlier games, mainly the copy of The Legend of Zelda, are
quite an impressive amount. At the Heritage Auctions, the Super Mario 64 is being sold. The signature of
the auction has been on the news from July 9th to July 11th, 2021.  
The most important auction place has sold the copies of The Legend of Zelda. As per the news of AP, the
video game specialists at the Heritage Auctions are extremely mindful. Valarie McLeckie, a video game
specialist, has stated that it is quite shocking for the game to be sold for over $1 million after the sale
recorded by The Legend of Zelda. Super Mario 64 has made excellent news with the top grade selling
As much similar to The Legend of Zelda that is almost sold in the last week, now the copy of the Super
Mario 64 has made impeccable conditions on the selling point. As of now, the document is sealed, and
Wata is around 9.8 rate letter that is of A++ grade. The Heritage Auction will make the highest-graded
copy for the best-selling video games to date to be announced on the Nintendo Switch.
Thus the copy of The Legend of Zelda is rated as 9/10 with an A grade. The Super Mario 64 has
surpassed the grades as well. The factory processing remark has been made on the game like The Legend
of Zelda. The purchase range cannot be cleared for the Super Mario 64. But the sale of the Heritage
Auctions will be conducted within the coming three weeks. The most expensive video game will surely
get a top position among so many competitions out there in the market. It is estimated that the Super
Mario Bros makes a record of selling in April 2021 for $660,000.
About Super Mario 64
The most popular Super Mario 64 is a 1996 platform that is for the Nintendo 64. The very first game of
Super Mario was featured in 3D gameplay. It later developed the fame base with exciting features.